I wanted to make a quilt for my neighbor's daughter, and found a Clementine jelly roll for a good price on ebay. (This was during my surgery recovery, when I spent almost all day online.) On the day that the box came, I opened the box, examined its contents, and then put it in the hallway next to the basement/sewing dungeon door (so that I would remember to take it downstairs with me).
As always, Bentley watched me do this. Since he can't stand to be more than 3 feet away from me, I didn't think anything of him following me into the hallway. I went back into the family room and sat on the couch. A second or two later, I saw a white flash jump into my dad's recliner. I documented what I saw next and have translated his expressions for you (I am fluent in Small Evil Dog Thoughts).
What?!?! I just wanted to look at it... I've never seen one of these before!
Don't you dare take this away from me until I have had a chance to examine it.
::: sniff ::: Hrm...
::: sniff ::: :::sniff::: ...I am settling in for a closer look. ::: sniff :::
Oh mom, how nice of you!! You bought me a new pillow!!!
This is one of the many, many times that I have told him, "thank goodness you're cute. Otherwise, I might have to strangle you." Because really, who can be mad at *that* face?!?!?!?!
(For the record, Bentley is a Bichon, and they are hypo-allergenic. Plus, my neighbors have a dog that is half Bichon, so I'm really not worried about giving away the quilt made from this jelly roll that now has Bentley germs.)
Ha! I've said the same thing about my dog, too. (And maybe about my kids...) :-)
Liz (teeny tiny quilts)
Hi, Lindz. So I went all the way back and read every single post. You're super funny. Cool to be in the fat quarter trade with you!
We have a neighbor who walks by our house a couple of times a week with the most darling Bichon named Beau. She takes him to be groomed every single week. He is so handsome.
Anyway, funny blog. Keep writing.
Caught in the act! (What a little bandit.) I'm sure he was doing a quality control check, or looking for food between the squares.
Love the blog!
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